SPD Division AAS

Previous winners of the Karen Harvey Prize

Dana Longcope, 2003

The 2003 Harvey Prize is awarded to Dana Longcope (Montana State University) for his significant contributions to the study of the Sun's magnetism in the areas of separator reconnection and flux tube physics.

Dana Longcope's Harvey Prize lecture (PDF format) delivered at the 2003 SPD meeting.

Harry Warren, 2004

The 2004 Karen L. Harvey prize is awarded to Harry Warren for his major contributions toward characterizing and understanding the morphology of coronal plasmas, the evolution of solar flares, and the variability of the Sun's extreme ultraviolet irradiance.

Harry Warren's Harvey Prize lecture, delivered at the 2004 SPD meeting, in either:

Sarah Gibson, 2005

The 2005 Karen Harvey Prize is awarded to Sarah Gibson for her research on the role of helical magnetic fields in the structure and dynamics of the solar corona.

Sarah Gibson's Harvey Prize lecture, delivered at the 2005 SPD meeting, is available as a PDF file (23 Mbytes), or as PowerPoint files customized for the Mac or the PC (these links take you to directories where the PowerPoint and separate movie files can be downloaded).

Steven R. Cranmer, 2006

The 2006 Karen Harvey Prize is awarded to Steven R. Cranmer for his major theoretical and observational contributions toward understanding the roles of waves and turbulence in heating and accelerating solar wind plasma.

Steven Cranmer's Harvey Prize lecture, delivered at the 2006 SPD meeting, is available as a Powerpoint file with links to separate movie files.

Jiong Qiu, 2007

The 2007 Karen Harvey Prize is awarded to Dr. Jiong Qiu for her significant contributions to the study of the Sun and its effects on the Earth's climate.

[Thumbnail image of Harvey Prize winner Mark S. Linton] Mark G. Linton, 2008

The 2008 Karen Harvey Prize is awarded to Mark G. Linton for his major contributions to studies of kink-instabilities in delta spots, the interactions of magnetic flux tubes, and patchy reconnection in solar flares.

[Thumbnail image of Harvey Prize winner Mark S. Linton] Laurent Gizon, 2009

The 2009 Karen Harvey Prize is awarded to Laurent Gizon for his significant contributions and leadership in the development of local helioseismology techniques for the study of the Sun's internal dynamics.

Laurent Gizon's Harvey Prize lecture, delivered at the 2009 SPD meeting, is available as a Powerpoint file and associated movies, and as a tarball of the above.

[Thumbnail image of Harvey Prize winner Brian T. Welsch] Brian Welsch, 2010

The 2010 Karen Harvey Prize is awarded to Brian T. Welsch for his role in the development of correlation techniques to measure velocities at the solar surface.

Brian Welsch's Harvey Prize lecture, delivered at the 2010 SPD meeting, is available as a Powerpoint file and associated movies, and as a tarball of the above.

[Thumbnail image of Harvey Prize winner Mattias Rempel] Mattias Rempel, 2011

The 2011 Karen Harvey Prize is awarded to Mattias Rempel for his groundbreaking work on the structure of sunspots and on flows and magnetic fields in the solar convection zone. His work has brought state-of-the-art numerical methods to bear on these problems.

Mattias Rempel's Harvey Prize lecture, delivered at the 2011 SPD meeting, is available as a Powerpoint file and associated movies.

[Thumbnail image of Harvey Prize winner Mattias Rempel] Dibyendu Nandy, 2012

The 2012 Harvey Prize is awarded to Dibyendu Nandi of the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata for his advances in the use of kinematic dynamo models to elucidate the typical and atypical solar cycle, and for his outstanding leadership within the solar physics and space climate communities.

Dibyendu Nandy's Harvey Prize lecture, delivered at the 2012 SPD meeting, is available as both a Powerpoint and a PDF file.

[Thumbnail image of Harvey Prize winner Tibor Torok] Tibor Torok, 2013

The 2013 Karen Harvey Prize is awarded to Tibor Torok, for his innovative numerical studies and theoretical analyses of the role of MHD instabilities in the initiation and driving of coronal mass ejections.

Tibor Torok's Harvey Prize lecture, delivered at the 2013 SPD meeting, is available as a Keynote file, a PDF file, and a ZIP archive.

[Thumbnail image of Harvey Prize winner Alexis Rouillard. Image Copyright Joson Images]  Alexis Rouillard, 2014

The 2014 Karen Harvey Prize is awarded to Alexis Rouillard, for his contributions to heliospheric imaging analysis and, through the combination of modeling and multi-spacecraft remote imaging and in situ observations, his contributions to the understanding of the sources and heliospheric evolution of corotating interaction regions, small scale transients, coronal mass ejections, and solar energetic particle events.

Alexis Rouillard's Harvey Prize lecture, delivered at the 2014 SPD meeting, is available as a PDF file, and several movie files.

[Thumbnail image of Harvey Prize winner Jonathan Cirtain]  Jonathan Cirtain, 2015

The 2015 Karen Harvey Prize is awarded to Jonathan Cirtain for his major contributions to the development of the next generation of solar instrumentation and his studies of the role of magnetic reconnection in the heating of the solar corona.

[Thumbnail image of Harvey Prize winner Katharine Reeves]  Katharine Reeves, 2016

The 2016 SPD Karen Harvey Prize for a significant contribution to the study of the Sun early in a person's professional career is awarded to Katharine K. Reeves (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) for her work elucidating the energetics of solar flares and coronal mass ejections, for her leadership within the multinational Hinode/X-Ray Telescope project, and for her strong role in scientific education and public outreach.

Kathy Reeves's Harvey Prize lecture, delivered at the 2016 SPD meeting, is available as a PDF file, and a tar archive of a Keynote presentation that includes several movie files.

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