*New* SPD Family Care Grants

The SPD is now offering modest grants to help defray the cost of day care during SPD meetings, including the 47th SPD meeting in Boulder, Colorado, 2016 May 31 - June 3. A form for requesting grants is available.

SPD Prizes and Awards

The SPD sponsors the following prizes and awards (see below for detailed listings):

  • The George Ellery Hale Prize, awarded to a scientist for outstanding contributions to the field of solar astronomy.

  • The Karen Harvey Prize, awarded in recognition for a significant contribution to the study of the Sun early in a person's professional career.

  • Two Popular Writing Awards to authors of popular or semi-popular articles on the Sun or the effects of the Sun on the Earth's environment. One award is made to scientists (including both professionals and students) and the other is made to science writers and journalists.

  • The Tom Metcalf Lecturer Program: In consultation with Tom Metcalf's family, the Solar Physics Division (SPD) has established the Thomas Metcalf SPD Travel Fund to help support newer members' expenses for attending meetings relevant to solar physics. AAS members can donate here (login required).

  • SPD Studentship Awards are given annually to outstanding undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in pursuing a career in solar physics. More details are given on the SPD Students page.

  • SPD Certificates of Appreciation will be given for exceptional contributions in a managerial or other non-technical role that significantly advance the discipline of solar physics. Nominations of potential recipients can be submitted to the SPD Committee at any time and should include a written statement of why the individual is deserving of special recognition. The Committee will decide whether a certificate is merited. Typically, no more than one certificate will be awarded in any given year. The certificate will be presented at the next SPD business (members) meeting, and the nomination letter will be published in SolarNews.
The SPD also sponsors a series of Parker Lectures (named after Professor Eugene Parker of the University of Chicago) at SPD Meetings that highlight active fields of solar research.

Past Winners of the Hale Prize

Links below lead to the Prize citations and, when available, electronic versions of the Prize Talks:

Year Winner
1978 E. N. Parker
1980 J. P. Wild
1982 J. W. Evans
1984 L. Goldberg
1986 P. A. Sturrock
1988 C. de Jager
1990 R. N. Tousey
1992 H. W. Babcock
1994 D. O. Gough
1996 R. Davis
1998 R. B. Dunn
1999 J. W. Harvey
2000 L. W. Acton
2001 A. M. Title
2002 E. R. Priest
2003R. Howard
2004R. Lin
2005S. Antiochos
2006P. Gilman
2007M. Kundu
2008H. Hudson
2009N. Sheeley
2010M. Neugebauer
2011H. Spruit
2012D. Reames
2013R. Canfield
2014T. Duvall, Jr.
2015G. Doschek
2016T.G. Forbes

Past Winners of the Harvey Prize

Year Winner
2003D. Longcope
2004H. Warren
2005S. Gibson
2006S. Cranmer
2007J. Qiu
2008M. Linton
2009L. Gizon
2010B. Welsch
2011M. Rempel
2012D. Nandy
2013T. Torok
2014A. Rouillard
2015J. Cirtain
2016K. Reeves

Eligibility and Nominations

Hale Prize (see also the By-laws):

The SPD awards this honorary prize, in memory of George Ellery Hale, to a scientist for outstanding contributions over an extended period of time to the field of solar astronomy. In considering candidates, the Hale and Harvey Prize Committee is to be guided by the impact of the candidates' research in solar physics, general astronomy, geophysics, mathematics, and physics. Any living scientist is eligible to receive the award without consideration of race, sex, or nationality.

The Hale and Harvey Prize Committee will receive proposals for nominations endorsed by two members of the Society. Such a proposal must include a basic bibliography emphasizing those papers which form the basis for the proposal as well as a description of the scientific achievements which justify the award. The Hale and Harvey Prize Committee retains the privilege of considering candidates not proposed by this process. If a member of the Committee is proposed, such a proposal will be deferred for automatic consideration after the proposed individual has rotated off the Committee after his/her term of duty.

Harvey Prize:

Each fall, nominations are sought for the SPD/AAS early career Karen Harvey Prize, established in May 2002 in honor of the late Karen Harvey, in recognition of a significant contribution to the study of the Sun early in a person's professional career. The prize will be awarded to a person who has not reached 36 years of age, or who has not reached ten years of professional experience since the Ph.D or equivalent degree, at the end of the year preceding the award. The award is open to anyone who meets the age or professional experience requirement, without regard to country of residence or membership in the SPD.

A letter of nomination with supporting letters of endorsement, and vitae and bibliography should be submitted to the Hale and Harvey Prize Committee who will also be responsible for the selection.

Hale and Harvey Prize Committee:

  • Mark Linton, 2013 - 2017 (Chair)
  • Doug Braun, 2013 - 2017
  • Sarah Gibson, 2015 - 2019
  • K.D. Leka, 2013 - 2017
  • Haimin Wang, 2015 - 2019